Adaptive Scheduler ๐Ÿš€

๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ Advent of Open Source โ€“ Day 17/24: A tool for efficient, interactive supercomputing from a Jupyter notebook.

(See my intro post)

Ever tried to efficiently run 100,000 cores from a Jupyter notebook? No? Well, I have, and it led to some interesting discoveries about the limits of parallel computing tools.

๐Ÿ“– Origin Story

During my 2018 internship at Microsoft Quantum, we faced a unique challenge: our adaptive sampling algorithms needed to run on massive computing clusters (50,000+ cores), but existing tools couldn’t handle it efficiently.

The problem was interesting: traditional parallel computing tools like Dask rely on a central scheduler process. Imagine 100,000 cores, each finishing a task every 10 seconds. That means every 10 microseconds, a core needs new work! With typical scheduler overhead being 1-50 milliseconds, workers would spend 99% of their time waiting rather than computing.

Usually, you’d solve this by batching work ahead of time. But with adaptive sampling (yesterday’s project), that’s impossible - you need the results of previous calculations to know what to compute next. It was like trying to conduct an orchestra where each musician needs personal instructions every few seconds!

๐Ÿ”ง Technical Highlights

We created a solution that:

  • Acts as a meta-scheduler, launching multiple sub-schedulers (Dask, ipyparallel, mpi4py, etc.)
  • Minimizes communication between scheduling layers
  • Handles job management through a simple database
  • Supports automatic fault tolerance and data saving
  • Works with any cluster scheduler (SLURM, PBS)
  • Provides real-time progress tracking in Jupyter notebooks
  • Scales to 50,000+ cores without breaking a sweat

๐Ÿ“Š Impact

  • Used extensively for real quantum device simulations
  • 26 GitHub stars (but don’t let that fool you - it’s highly specialized!)
  • Enables interactive supercomputing from a simple Jupyter notebook
  • Likely ran for many millions of core-hours across various projects
  • Actively maintained with 61 releases since 2018, proving its ongoing value

๐ŸŽฏ Challenges We Solved

  • Scheduler overhead killing performance at scale
  • Data locality and fault tolerance
  • Real-time monitoring of massive parallel jobs
  • Making supercomputing accessible through notebooks
  • Automatic job recovery after crashes (e.g., when using spot VMs or Heisenbugs)

๐Ÿ’ก Lessons Learned

  1. Sometimes you need to think outside the box
  2. The best tools hide complexity behind simple interfaces
  3. Real-time feedback is crucial, even for massive computations
  4. When scaling up 1000x, you often need a completely different approach
  5. Making things “just work” from a notebook is worth the effort

Want to run massive parallel computations efficiently? Check out Adaptive Scheduler on GitHub!

#OpenSource #Python #HPC #QuantumComputing #ParallelComputing

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Bas Nijholt
Bas Nijholt
Staff Engineer

